Hello! I’m a writer/editor specializing in user-driven content strategy and visual storytelling.

Other Writing

In 2009, I won the Grand Prize in The Korea Times’ “40th Modern Korean Literature Translation Awards” for my Korean-to-English translation of Yoon Sung-hee’s “Possibly”. Read it here.


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Award: modern korean literature translation contest

In 2009, I won the grand prize in The Korea Times’ 40th Modern Korean Literature Translation Awards. Here is my entry, Yoon Seong-hui’s “Possibly,” below that a copy of the short story in its original Korean.

Translated By Irene Park Biographical Note on Yoon Seong-hui Yoon Seong-hui was born in Suwon in 1973. After graduating from Cheongju University with a degree in Philosophy and Seoul Institute of the Arts with a degree in Creative Writing, she came to the forefront with her short novel, "A House Made of Legos," which she had submitted for consideration in The Dong-A Ilbo's Spring Literary Contest in 1999.



우리들이 마지막으로 먹은 것은 죠스바였어. 설악산으로 수학여행을 가던 버스 안에서였지. 반 아이들이 앞에서부터 한 명씩 노래를 부르기 시작하자 압정은 끔찍하다는 말을 열 번도 더 내뱉었어. 왜 압정이냐고? 머리가 아주 크거든. "나는 자는 척해야겠다." 압정 옆에 앉은 라디오가 의자 등받이 조절 버튼을 누르면서 말했어. 그러자 압정의 의자가 뒤로 젖혀졌지. "라디오, 이건 내 의자야.